Thursday, October 9, 2008
Joined the gym!
Everyone is enjoying it a lot with the exception of Kai. Unfortunately he doesn't like going into the creche so we are trying to ease him in gently at the moment.
Yesterday Brian (aka Nunu) arrived from the UK for his 2 month stay. He seems very happy to be here, and we are very happy to have him over.
Well, that's all for tonight. Short and sweet as I'm going to drag the guys off the computers and get them in the hot tub!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Back soon!!
It seems that we've been so busy, but that's no excuse because all it means is more to write about.
Sooooo, watch this space - I'll be back very soon!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Building a trampoline....
July 15th 2008 - Zack & Nanna Janice have their ops
Monday, July 14, 2008
Weekend catch up..
Heid, Mum & I went wine tasting at Wente and Tamas on Saturday. We had a great time and both Heidi & Mum were very impressed with the local offerings. Heidi disliked wine prior to Saturday (but that was because she'd only ever had nasty stuff before!!)
Kai learned he had some Rock Band talent........
......and we had Alvin, Rita & the girls over for a BBQ and a bounce!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Maggie Simpson
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hospitals & hosepipes.........
Zack & Janice went for their Pre-ops at the California Ear Institute. Next Tuesday (July 15th) they are each having an operation to improve their hearing.
For Zack the operation simply put will be to have his middle ear rebuilt with a prosthesis to replace a bone which was damaged years ago when he had a Cholesteatoma Although he had this same operation back in the UK and it was unsuccessful we have high hopes for success this time as techniques have advanced substantially over the last few years.
Janice (mum) has Ostosclerosis and is having a Stapedectomy which will hopefully restore some of her conductive hearing loss. Katrina Stidham will be doing both of their operations in succession.
Today was a hot day with highs of 112F. We decided to go swimming and had great fun splashing around and cooling down! Phil, Zack & Greg made a people tower and managed to scare almost everyone else to the edges of the pool. Kai wanted to make a tower too - but we decided that it was probably safer if he just sat on my shoulders!
We came back home and had great fun as Kai has learned to use a hosepipe. He soaked us all and got quite soaked himself in the process.
Kai went to bed really well - we have hopes of a good night's sleep tonight!!!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Where did the last 2 weeks go???!!!!
So here's a really brief overview of the last 2 weeks...
We arrived at our villa in Florida to find things....shall we say "not quite right!"
We have basically spent the last 2 weeks in Home Depot buying stuff, taking it home, returning it and then buying more stuff to start the whole cycle again.
I managed to get one whole day of doing almost no DIY the day before we left. It was lovely! I just swam and read all day until we went out for dinner in the evening.
Having said all of that I'm really not complaining. I enjoyed looking after our holiday home and getting it ready for our next 5 months of guests.
We landed in San Jose last night at around 10pm. (Unfortunately I had booked the flight forgetting that our car was parked in San Francisco airport!)
Anyone who knows San Jose airport will know that you land with your final descent coming through the downtown area. Yesterday was July 4th so as we landed we had the most amazing pyrotechnic displays at the tips of our wings! It was as though they had decided that our plane would get a special July 4th welcome!! All in all the flight mess up was a very worthwhile mistake as we saw some of the best fireworks ever - and the cab ride to SFO was not that bad or scary really!!!
Today I called my mum to make sure she was ready for her flight over tomorrow.
Disaster! She had lost her passport somewhere between Gatwick and Heathrow. After mobilising most of the UK we found her passport on a National Express coach (extra special thanks to the Amazing Tim on the emergency line)
Managed to unpack about half of our bags today - a major achievement given the amount of time spent on the phone looking for the wandering passport!
Looking forward to picking Mum & Heidi up from the airport tomorrow - but for now sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Orlando - June 2008
We had a lovely evening eating ribs, drinking beer and just having a good old chinwag!
Managed to stay up until almost 1am - the latest we've managed since arriving back from our UK trip 3 days ago.
After a great night's sleep Claire introduced me to her blog. I have been meaning to start doing this long before now but have never managed to get it started.
So here's hoping that this is a useful source for all of our family and friends who we miss very much but don't get to see very often.
Watch this space.......................................